I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry for the wait in between my posts but things have gotten crazy in life and things are just taking off more so than I ever could have imagined. So, on to today's Post!
My family and I were fortunate last night to see Roger Waters perform The Wall live in it's entirety last night at the Pepsi Center. To say the least, it was INTENSE!!
The Wall is an album ridden with messages of hate, love, loss, anger, confusion and searching for peace. It has always been always been one of my favorite albums growing up and once I got older, the movie as well is still one of my favorite to visit from time to time.
To be able to see it performed live has been a dream come true for both me and my family. It was 30 YEARS AGO that Pink Floyd released the album and is still one of the best selling records of all time selling over 30 million copies world wide.
The show was visually and emotionally charged and a sensory overload to say the least. It was incredible to see Roger Waters, now 67, performing what he calls he Magnum Opus and the production behind the whole performance had to be massive!
Now, there were many different themes expressed during the show but overall, it was such a great experience and I could not believe how fortunate I was to be able to see it with my Mom and Dad! This brings up the topic of Thanksgiving, the holiday tomorrow for which many will eat turkey, be with friends but some may never stop to think of what they are thankful FOR.
I would encourage everyone to take maybe 20 minutes between today and tomorrow to sit down and actually write out what you are thankful for. I know in my case I have been guilty many a time for taking people, things, experiences for granted.
Thank you for all of my friends, family, co workers, and you for reading this. I hope it has inspired you in this season of giving.